Invercote board substrate

Subtitle: 100% recyclable, biodegradable and responsibly manufactured
Holmen Iggesund factory
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100% recyclable and biodegradable and compostable to EN 13432 standard
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Rigidity and thickness comparable to PVC cards
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High brightness print quality
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Conforms to ISO9706 requirements for performance

Thames Technology is proud to partner with Holmen Iggesund, a leading manufacturer of sustainable paperboard.

We believe that their material is of the highest quality, and manufactured within a fabulous 360 degree sustainable economy. 

Using the highest quality material to provide our customers with sustainable products

Holmen Iggesund factory

We are proud that our supply chain has the lowest carbon footprint, as the Invercote Duo Board used in our paperboard products is shipped directly from Holmen Iggesund's factory to our manufacturing site in Rayleigh, Essex.

Holmen Iggesund were recently awarded the Ecovadis Platinum status for the third year in a row for continued improvement in sustainable manufacture.

Invercote coated and uncoated 790micron board

100% recyclable, biodegradable and responsibly manufactured at one of the world’s most environmentally friendly paper mills. 

With strength, rigidity and thickness comparable to PVC, it is especially suitable for gift, membership and loyalty cards. Invercote board feels and looks like plastic with gloss, coated and matt uncoated options available and is ideal for multiple formats including CR80, M6 snap and non-snap formats.

This material is purchased and used under the FSC ® chain of custody certification (FSC ® C142287).

Technical Specification

  • Paper weight 790 micron
  • Paper Type : Solid bleached boards, virgin fibre
  • Created with 94% renewable sources
  • Taint and odour neutrality

Features and benefits

  • Biodegradable
  • Compostable to EN 13432 standard
  • 100% recyclable
  • Rigidity and thickness comparable to PVC cards
  • Premium look and feel
  • Long lasting
  • Swipe durability tested to more than 400 swipes
  • Ideal for snap card formats
  • Bleached using an Elemental Chlorine Free (EFC) process
  • EN 13430:2004 standard compliant
  • Conforms to ISO9706 requirements for performance
  • Produced at a mill that is certified to ISO14001 environmental management standards and ISO9001 quality management standards
  • High brightness printing quality
  • Fossil fuel admission free mills and zero landfill policy
  • Mill listed as one of the world’s 100 most sustainable companies by the UN
  • Sourced from forests that plant more trees than are felled
  • Adopt a tree scheme

Finishes and embellishments

  • Gloss or uncoated finish
  • Water based matt or silk varnish
  • UV gloss varnish
  • Hot / cold foils
  • Embossing
  • Textured and 3D coatings
  • Spot, matt coatings
  • Flocking
  • Mirror and metallic surfaces

Personalisation and data applications

  • Magnetic stripes
  • Scratch panels
  • Barcoding
  • Signature panel
  • Die cutting

For further information

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