Gift Card+

Subtitle: The gift card with a little added extra to 'wow' your customers and help you drive sales
Giftcard Plus - A gift card with a little something for now


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Drive sales and increase average transaction value
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An alternative offering for customers looking for more than a gift card
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Set yourself apart from other retailers
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Allows the recipient to choose their gift with a little extra to enjoy straight away

Boost your gift card offering, drive sales and increase average transaction value (ATV) with Thames Technology's  Gift Card+ solution.

Gift Card+ is a desirable alternative to a pure gift card purchase, allowing the recipient to enjoy a present straight away while also having the choice of choosing their perfect gift to look forward to. 

A gift card with an extra surprise 

Thames Technology’s Gift Card+ is a revolutionary product that redefines the traditional gift card experience. 

Over the years thanks to continued innovation and impactful design we have helped major retailers add that little extra to their gift card offering to increase sales and create a competitive advantage. 

By integrating a small physical item, this solution adds a layer of personalisation and thoughtfulness to the gifting process. Ideal for any occasion, Gift Card+ caters for a wide range of customer preferences and occasions.

Gift Card+ is typically a gift card of higher than average value presented in a beautifully designed gift box along with an associated small physical gift. This can either be a free sample or a small product where the sales price is split between the gift card and the product, for example a £40.00 gift card is presented with a £10.00 product and sold together for £50.00. 

Thames Technology gift card plus solution

Customisable designs as unique as your brand 

As with all our other gift card solutions, we can customise the design and packaging of your Gift Card+ product, ensuring that it reflects your brand identity.

From colours and logos to messaging and themes, every element can be tailored to meet your specific marketing needs and appeal to your target audience.

To create your exclusive Gift Card+ offering, our experienced creative team works with you to generate a stunning packaging design for your product and gift card combination suit your budget. This can include counter display units to enable you to maximise impact at the point of sale. 

To find out more about our innovative Gift Card+ solution

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