Dynamic CVV technology

Subtitle: Through our partnership with Ellipse we are proud to offer battery-free Dynamic Card Security Code technology
Dynamic CVV card


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Added protection with a unique code for each transaction
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Designed to work seamlessly with existing banking card infrastructure
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Significantly reduces the risk of fraudulent activities
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Mobile app integration allows for easy activation of dynamic code changes

At Thames Technology, we are dedicated to pioneering innovative solutions that enhance security and convenience in the payments and banking sectors.

Through our partnership with Ellipse, we are proud to introduce revolutionary EVC® Battery-Free Dynamic Card Security Code technology, an additional layer of advanced protection for banking cards.

Dynamic security codes for unparalleled protection

Traditionally, banking cards utilise static security codes (CSC/CVV) printed on the back of the card, remaining the same for each transaction. In comparison, the Battery-Free Dynamic Card Security Code technology ensures that each card-present transaction is fortified with a dynamic security code that changes with every transaction.

The dynamic CVV technology adds a layer of complexity and security by generating dynamic security codes that change for each card-present transaction or when triggered by the cardholder through a mobile app. This makes it significantly more challenging for malicious actors to compromise card information.

How does it work? 

Utilising state-of-the-art technology, dynamic security codes are generated in real-time, ensuring that each transaction is safeguarded with a unique code that cannot be replicated or intercepted by malicious activity. This dynamic nature of the security code adds additional protection against unauthorised access and fraud.

Ellipse’s eco-friendly battery-free EMV® module with mini-digital CVV display on the back of the card, provides a new security code for each card-present transaction. Additionally, the cardholder can initiate the code change on demand through a mobile app as needed.

The technology ensures that if the card details and CVV were fraudulently copied, the security code will have changed by the time someone tries to make transaction.

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